Welcome to the White Oak Terrace Subdivision website. If you are a new resident, current resident, or looking to build in our community, you can use this site to access a copy of the White Oak Terrace Deed Restrictions, WOT Meeting Locations & Dates, information about our Committees and active Board of Trustees and subscribe to the Community Newsletter !
Please note... *During election times, meetings will be considered special meetings and not on the regularly scheduled meeting dates. Residents and property owners should expect notification by mail and via email for these meetings.
Concrete Batch Plant Updates...
The White Oak Terrace Subdivision is actively monitoring the proposed concrete batch plant and will keep the community updated as soon as we have any information.
Text 'FACTS' to 713-526-1111 for CORONAVIRUS UPDATES
Visit houstonemergency.org/COVID19 for more information.

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We all have a role to play in protecting our community from getting and spreading respiratory illnesses like coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We appreciate your willingness to share our COVID-19 communication resources.
Our primary webpage with COVID-19 updates, key messages, protective actions, rumor control, communications resources, emergency preparedness tips, and more is at HoustonEmergency.org (short url: bit.ly/2020Coronavirus). The page is also accessible through the homepages of HoustonHealth.org and HoustonTX.gov.
Here are our key messages:
Currently, our guidance to schools, facilities, events, businesses and venues is to ensure an adequate supply of hand soap and disinfectants, conduct environmental cleaning, provide hand sanitizing stations, place signage to remind people to practice healthy hygiene habits, and review infectious disease protocols. Additionally, we point stakeholders to this new CDC page for more guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/index.html.
Our primary webpage with COVID-19 updates, key messages, protective actions, rumor control, communications resources, emergency preparedness tips, and more is at HoustonEmergency.org (short url: bit.ly/2020Coronavirus). The page is also accessible through the homepages of HoustonHealth.org and HoustonTX.gov.
Here are our key messages:
- The Houston Health Department, in conjunction with Harris County Public Health and local, state and federal health officials, continues working to protect our community from this evolving and serious public health threat.
- There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Houston or Harris County.
- This is a rapidly evolving situation and additional cases are expected in the U.S. in the coming days and weeks.
- For the general public, who are unlikely to be exposed to this virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is low. If you have not been around anyone with COVID-19 or have not visited an ongoing outbreak area, you are not at risk.
- While people need to remain vigilant, there is currently no need for the average person to take out-of-the-ordinary protective actions.
- People should practice routine healthy hygiene habits to help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like COVID-19:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. In addition to proper handwashing, use of hand sanitizer is recommended.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw it away. If a tissue is not available, use the elbow of your sleeve.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Staying home if sick.
- It's good general practice to maintain an emergency kit for situations where typical activity may be interrupted. Visit ready.gov for items needed for an emergency kit.
- People who have traveled to a country with an active COVID-19 outbreak need to stay home and monitor their health for 14 days. If they feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing within 14 days, they should seek medical care right away. Before doing so, call ahead to tell the healthcare professionals about recent travel and symptoms.
- The Houston Health Department and Harris County Public Health routinely investigate and contains infectious diseases and are well-prepared to respond to COVID-19 to protect our community.
- If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed in or community, the Houston Health Department and Harris County Public Health will promptly inform the public.
Currently, our guidance to schools, facilities, events, businesses and venues is to ensure an adequate supply of hand soap and disinfectants, conduct environmental cleaning, provide hand sanitizing stations, place signage to remind people to practice healthy hygiene habits, and review infectious disease protocols. Additionally, we point stakeholders to this new CDC page for more guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/index.html.
White Oak Terrace Subdivision Free Neighborhood Library
CHARTER # 84101
DONATED - CREATED - INSTALLED by the Ponce Family, the Smith Family, & the Dempsey Family.
Located near the 3400 Block of Areba Street (West of the Areba & Ashton Street Intersection).
Hurricane Harvey
Need legal help for flood related issues?
The State Bar of Texas legal hotline — (800) 504-7030 — helps people find answers to basic legal questions by connecting them with local legal aid providers following declared disasters. The toll-free hotline — answered in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese— is designed to connect low-income people affected by a disaster with legal aid providers in their area who can help with such issues as replacing lost documents, insurance questions, landlord-tenant problems, and consumer protection issues such as price-gouging and avoiding contractor scams in the rebuilding process. Callers can leave a message any time. People who qualify for assistance will be matched with Texas lawyers who have volunteered to provide free, limited legal help.
If you need a lawyer, contact the State Bar’s Lawyer Referral & Information Service at (800) 252-9690 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
Citizens may also call Lone Star Legal Aid intake number at 713-652-0077.
Texas Legal Answers — texaslegalanswers.org — is a free online legal advice clinic that allows Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey to post questions about their civil legal issues and receive answers from volunteer attorneys.
Copyright © 2019